The only times we met were immediately after class, in our same classroom. Fridays gave us the most time to discuss due to not having other classes.
2) What did you discuss?
We discussed several pressing matters, chiefly how our team plans to divide up the work in making the game. It was decided Alan would handle the story and art, Justin would handle 3D modelling and programming, and I would handle programming and sound design. There would obviously be a lot of overlap between the tasks we'd handle and we'd exchange a lot of ideas on what to add to the game.
3) Did you take notes? Why? Why not?
I didn't take notes for myself, which I'm going to do starting now so I don't lose track of things. Alan took the liberty of making some notes on our progress, and sent them out to us. We also have some materials uploaded to the Google drive for us to refer to.
4) Did you transfer the contents of the discuss to the computer?
As mentioned before, we did manage to get some materials up on the Google drive, as well as had a few documents sent to us by e-mail.
5) Did you discuss the game document?
We started a notebook with a brief outline of the game concept, and the duties each of us were given. The game document was discussed in our few previous meetings, but not much planning was made towards it -- that would be handled later once we get more conceptual workings done with.
6) Did you pick a team leader. Why? Who is it?
We didn't formally pick a team leader, but Alan took the liberty of putting together the elevator pitch for which we'll springboard off of when developing the game -- he has some clear prior experience in artistry that resulted in giving something we were open to expanding on. I feel lucky to have Alan on the team, as we had a member who dropped out of the course after the teams were decided, but his initiative in getting ideas and materials together for our game has made up for this.
7) Please describe briefly some initial ideas regarding the game you plan on developing.
Alan used a fangame based on the Slenderman mythos, "Slender's Shadow: Elementary" to illustrate the gameplay concept for our planned game, currently named "Purgatory." It would use 1st person perspective during gameplay as well as possibly mixing in 3rd person cameras during certain gameplay moments or cutscenes. The protagonist would be a female who has died and wound up in purgatory, and the game would have her explore an enclosed environment, like perhaps a temple. The rest of the elevator pitch states: "In purgatory she must find and exit that leads to heaven or hell depending on the collected items along her journey.
Note: Angels & Demons would appear making the journey difficult as well as pointing in the right or wrong direction at given times."
8) State on your blog the contributions you, the individual, made towards the team game in the last week.
I have contributed only a few things over this week -- some blendswap models that were searched for per Alan's suggestion (a statue, which I managed to find of an angel, fitting nicely with the theme of our planned game, and a bridge leading to the temple the game takes place in). I also found a plethora of links to unlicensed sound effects and music for aspiring game creators from a post I found on tumblr, which I copy-pasted into a Word document and added to the Google drive. My plan now is to start a notebook for me to jot down more ideas to add to the game.
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